Horus Payment Links are designed to make the crypto payment process easier and more accessible for everyone. With two types available: One-Time Payment Links and Permanent Payment Links, users can choose the option that best suits their specific requirements.

One-Time Payment Links offer a seamless solution for single transactions, enabling users to conveniently make payments for a specific purchase, transaction, product, or item. These links streamline the payment process, eliminating the need to exchange wallet addresses and simplifying the transaction experience.

Permanent Payment Links provide a versatile solution that functions like your shop payment gateway. Businesses and individuals can create a permanent URL, making it easy for customers to make recurring payments for products, services, or ongoing subscriptions. With Permanent Payment Links, the hassle of setting up payments for each transaction is eliminated, ensuring a smooth and efficient payment experience.

Both One-Time and Permanent Payment Links empower users within the Horus ecosystem to conduct crypto transactions with ease. By removing barriers and complexities associated with traditional payment methods, Horus Payment Links contribute to making crypto payments accessible and user-friendly for everyone.